Ecofin Podcasts

Ecofin's Sustainability Matters Podcast Ep 16: Guest Jeremy Robinson, Chief Sustainability Officer, joins us and talks water

Episode Summary

On this week's episode of the podcast, Greg is joined by Jeremy Robinson, Chief Sustainability Officer of Fund Selection at The Green Stockbroker, a London-based consultant on sustainability science for investment. They had a very wide-ranging conversation around water investing, why water is unique among natural resources and fundamental to efforts around preserving natural capital, and Jeremy shares his insights around commonalities between sports, music and impact investing. Jeremy couples a strong background in environmental science and hydrology with over twenty-five years in fund management, fund selection and research. He has written numerous articles on sustainable and ESG investing. He ongoing work covers Natural Capital (official TNFD observer), Circular Economy of Water, geo-spatial finance, Impact Investing, Biodiversity, Forestry, supply chains, Climate Change, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Green & Blue Infrastructure, and Waste Hierarchy/circularity. Be sure to find us on Spotify and Apple by searching "Ecofin Podcasts" and subscribe!

Episode Notes

On this week's episode of the podcast, Greg is joined by Jeremy Robinson, Chief Sustainability Officer of Fund Selection at The Green Stockbroker, a London-based consultant on sustainability science for investment.  They had a very wide-ranging conversation around water investing, why water is unique among natural resources and fundamental to efforts around preserving natural capital, and Jeremy shares his insights around commonalities between sports, music and impact investing.  

Jeremy couples a strong background in environmental science and hydrology with over twenty-five years in fund management, fund selection and research.  He has written numerous articles on sustainable and ESG investing. He ongoing work covers Natural Capital (official TNFD observer), Circular Economy of Water, geo-spatial finance, Impact Investing, Biodiversity, Forestry, supply chains, Climate Change, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Green & Blue Infrastructure, and Waste Hierarchy/circularity.

Be sure to find us on Spotify and Apple by searching "Ecofin Podcasts" and subscribe!

Links that are referenced in the podcast are below: