Ecofin Podcasts

Ecofin's Sustainability Matters Podcast Ep 18: Greg's intercontinental journeys, wind energy and biomass production in North America

Episode Summary

In this week's episode, after Greg's intercontinental journeys, he and Joe are back for another edition of Sustainability Matters. Greg starts by recapping his adventures in Australia and New Zealand where he was able to have meaningful conversations with other sustainability-minded investors. Topics this week include wind energy and the current challenges there. Also, biomass and Renewable Natural Gas production in North American. Be sure to find us on Spotify and Apple by searching "Ecofin Podcasts" and subscribe!

Episode Notes

In this week's episode, after Greg's intercontinental journeys, he and Joe are back for another edition of Sustainability Matters.  Greg starts by recapping his adventures in Australia and New Zealand where he was able to have meaningful conversations with other sustainability-minded investors. Topics this week include wind energy and the current challenges there.  Also, biomass and Renewable Natural Gas production in North American.  

Be sure to find us on Spotify and Apple by searching "Ecofin Podcasts" and subscribe!

Links that are referenced in the podcast are below:

(10:30) - challenges in wind energy - Daily Upside - as well as a WSJ journal article (paywall) -

(18:53) - Renewable Natural Gas and the growth in North American production - Biomass Magainze -

(25:45) - The Murphy Family celebrates a milestone and Cubs/White Sox dynamics.